Latest news
27 oktober 2020.
Café Lennon's is een gezellig café op de bekende Dijk in Volendam.3 oktober 2020.
General Beard, the band your mother warned you about. Solid hard rock with a high level of energy.21 june 2020.
Father's day action Jongwijs Westzaan.-
13 june 2020.
Badwater en Badschuim community center Leidsebuurt Haarlem. 2 june 2020.
3e Pinksterdag action Jongwijs Westzaan.17 May 2020.
Recipe 1860 Brouwerij 't Scheepje.
Spring 2019
Micro brewery 't Uurtje started their brewing action in the spring of 2019.
After same experimenting and lot's of testing I have beers ready, white beer, Tripel beer and a Special beer.
I use 100% biological products and where possible I make use of local products.
Max. 150 liter per month, brweing for restaurants, community centers so they can sell their own beer with their own label.
Also selling beer in the brewery ==> order.
Keep improving he products, listen to people their opinion and try to create the best beer ever.
Order your own beer;
Own recipe, own label design, own color cap, the only thing you need to do is sell the beer in your restaurant, community center or store.
Click here for more information